Canyon County Elections

How to Absentee Vote

All registered voters in Canyon County, Idaho can absentee vote. You can ask to get your ballot in the mail for the next election, or for the full calendar year. Absentee forms are annual, you do need to re-apply every calendar year.

Request a Ballot

You can request an absentee ballot for yourself or have a family member request an absentee ballot for you by filling out the online application or by turning in a paper absentee application to our office, located at 5801 Graye Ln. Building B, Caldwell, ID 83607. You may also email a scanned copy of your absentee application to

Mail Us Your Absentee Application

Mail your completed application to:

Canyon County Elections Office
5801 Graye Ln. Building B,
Caldwell, ID 83607

Complete and Send in Your Ballot

We’ll send you an absentee ballot in the mail with a return envelope. You have two options to return it before election day:

  • Mail back the ballot to the Canyon County Elections Office. We must receive it by 8pm on election day.
  • Deliver it in person to the Canyon County Election Office by 8pm on election day.